Tuesday 5 November 2013

Wednesday, November 06, 2013. 
Today's Liturgical Reading by Daily Flash, Goa.  

Romans 13:8-10; Psalm 111[112]:1-2, 4-5, 9; Gospel : Luke 14:25-33. [Please share today's Gospel with family, friends/neighbors.]

Focus: "Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother... even  life itself, cannot be my disciple" (Luke 14:26).

God surely wants us to honor our parents (Exodus 20:12) but today's Gospel appears to assert the opposite. Hate our parents who are so dear to us (Focus)? Most of us naturally find this difficult to accept. But when Jesus talks of love and hate, He is only asking us to sacrifice for Him the things that are precious to us. It is a call to surrender our desires, our possessions, our time and our relationships to Him, and to give Him first place in everything. 

If asked whether we are willing to become Jesus' disciples, our answer would probably be a clear Yes. But have we taken into account the related issues?

Are we willing to let go of family attachments? Are we prepared to carry the cross? Have we estimated the cost of following Jesus so that we go with Him all the way and do not turn back halfway? Are we ready to give up our comforts and belongings? To these questions, our answer may not be easy. It might be a stony silence or even a firm No.

Jesus does not seek to make His discipleship look attractive by worldly standards. But all who heed His call He fills with a grace which surpasses anything they may have been lost. 

Fruit: Can I honestly say I love God above all other persons and things?

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