Wednesday 6 November 2013

Thursday, November 07, 2013. 
Today's Liturgical Reading by Daily Flash, Goa.  

Romans 14:7-12; Psalm 26[27]:1, 4, 13-14; Gospel : Luke 15:1-10. [Please share today's Gospel with family, friends/neighbors.] 

Focus: 'Why do you pass judgement on your brother or sister? (Romans 14:10)

A tall tree started shedding its dry lower leaves. A higher leaf saw this and laughed disdainfully at the sight of the 'worthless' ones below being shed. The next day due to a storm the sneering leaf fell. Sometimes, we behave the same way.

In today's First Reading we are told not to judge (Focus). But this is something we don't usually observe, be it at home, in parish activities, or at the workplace. Although God has made us all equal, we are filled with self-importance and easily despise others (Romans 14:10).

We just wait to judge and condemn! Instead of working in the Church, we complain and criticize the priests and people who do the work. Instead of trying to be of service and getting our own hands dirty, it comes more naturally to be mere spectators and criticize those trying to add some value. God warns us not to judge and when we do, we interfere with His work. At the end of life's journey each of us has to give an account of our own deeds (Romans 14:12), so why judge others?

When we judge others, we make them look small. So let us not try to find fault and pull others down. Instead, if we motivate them to do their best, everyone will benefit. 

Fruit: When was the last time I judged another? Can I consciously refrain from being judgmental when next tempted?

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