Wednesday 27 November 2013

Thursday, November 28, 2013. 
Today's Liturgical Reading by Daily Flash, Goa.  

Daniel 6:12-28; Psalm Daniel 3:68-74; Gospel : Luke 21:20-28. [Please share today's Gospel with family, friends/neighbors.]

Focus:  “He is the living God…he delivers and rescues” (Daniel 6:26-27)

Prayer is an intimate interaction between God and us.  It helps us experience God’s love in daily life.  Daniel knew the importance of prayer and prayed thrice a day (Dan 6:13).  Nothing could stop him from praying because he believed in the living God.  Even in the lions’ den.  In the most deadly and imminent danger, he put his trust in God and not in his own ability.  We see the happy outcome of the king’s hope in God (Daniel 6:16) and Daniel’s shining faith.  Even the hungry lions behaved and ‘no kind of harm was found’ on Daniel (Daniel 6:23)!

What about our attitude?  Are we rooted and grounded in God’s love? Can the people around us see the glory of God, His mercy and compassion, in us and through our actions?
Many times when we are in trouble we fail to depend on God.  Perhaps we try to solve things our way.  But Daniel’s experience teaches us to trust like him.  His faithfulness even led to the king to write a decree of faith in God (Focus).  In the same way our own visible belief in the goodness and mercy of God can help out brothers and sisters of little faith come closer to the Lord.

Fruit:  Today can I help someone increase their trust in God through my faith in action – by doing something helpful or simply by assuring them that the Lord is always near?

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