Saturday 23 November 2013

Sunday, November 24, 2013. 
Today's Liturgical Reading by Daily Flash, Goa. 
Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Universal King. 

2 Samuel 5:1-3; Psalm 121[122]:1-2, 4-5; Colossians 1:12-20; Gospel : Luke 23:35-43. [Please share today's Gospel with family, friends/neighbors.]

Focus:  “Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom” (Luke 23:42)

In today’s Gospel, we see the contrast between the two criminals who were crucified with Jesus on Calvary.  One, showing no sign of remorse, arrogantly challenges Jesus.  The other knows that they both deserve the cross, but Jesus though innocent, was being crucified.  He asks the Lord for mercy (Focus).

We often blame circumstances and other people for our sinfulness.  How do we compare with the two criminals: are we like the arrogant one or the repentant one?  Do we acknowledge our sinfulness and plead for mercy?

Today we celebrate the feast of Christ the King.  Our King is not the typical earthly king or ruler.  He loves each one of us passionately.  He wants that we should all share His glory and joy in His heavenly kingdom.  What do we intend to do about it?  How do we plan to acknowledge and pay homage to Jesus as our King?

Let us take a moment to reflect.  We ‘who were once estranged and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds’ have now been reconciled by Christ (Colossians 1:21).  It is he who can present us ‘holy and blameless and irreproachable’ before Himself (Colossians 1:22).  The question is: Can we give up our pride and arrogance and accept His salvation?

Fruit:  Are we ready to seek forgiveness so that we too can hear Jesus say, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43)?

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