Monday 4 November 2013

Tuesday, November 05, 2013. 
Today's Liturgical Reading by Daily Flash, Goa.  

Romans 12:5-16; Psalm 130[131]:1-3; Gospel : Luke 14:15-24. [Please share today's Gospel with family, friends/neighbors.]

Focus: 'We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us' (Romans 12:6)

We make up the mystical body of Christ - He is the Head and we are members. I regularly fail to realize this, as also the fact that 'we are members of one another' (Romans 12:5). This being so, should we not love one another all the more? Should we not live for each other?

Instead, despite what Paul says (Focus), all too often I think only of how gifted I am and resent that others do not seem to acknowledge it. I consider my efforts for the Church as more significant than those of others. If I, a member of the mystical body of Christ, feel superior to the others, the Church suffers. I obstruct God's work of building his kingdom on earth. My pettiness and selfishness make me an obstacle.

This attitude of mine is not unlike that of the Jews of Christ's time. They were so full of themselves, and their exalted status as God's Chosen People, that they were unable to see the master's dinner invitation for what it was. 

It is time for me to change my attitude, else I might be placed by Christ in that dreaded category: "None of those who were invited will taste my dinner" (Luke 14:24).

Fruit: Today let me make a special effort to identify gifts that other Church members have.... and tell at least one person how much I appreciate and value their talent. 

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